1. Installation

First, download and install Buoy if it is not already installed on your system. Next, untar the Balise zipped tar archive (.tgz) where you want to install it. Balise saves files between different sessions in a folder chosen by the user. A sample folder is provided in the folder named BaliseFiles, which can be found in the Balise root directory. You may either keep this BaliseFiles folder where it is and use it, use a brand new folder anywhere else or copy the BaliseFiles folder anywhere you want. However, note that the default BaliseFiles folder clipboard files contain useful widgets like OK and Cancel buttons.

A standalone instance of Balise is launched using the following command, current path in Balise root directory:

java -cp /path_to/Buoy.jar:Balise.jar balise.Balise (Linux)

java -cp C:\path_to\Buoy.jar;Balise.jar balise.Balise (Windows)

Alternatively, you can attach a balise editor window to any WindowWidget instance using the following call in your source code :

window = new BFrame( "a window" );

setContent( new BorderContainer() );


WindowEditor we = new WindowEditor( window );

Please note that the edited window must have at least one widget container set as content.

The first time Balise is launched, it asks for the location of the Balise files folder. Choose any location that suits you, as indicated above. You will be able to change that location any time afterwards. If Balise crashes right after setting the files location, relaunch it (and keep me informed !). If you choose afterwards a new location to store balise files, you will loose memory of Balise preferances, windows locations and sizes as well as permanent widgets in the clipboard.